How to Identify Different Types of Cockroaches

Properly identifying the type of cockroach infesting your home or business is crucial for effective pest control. Use this guide to determine which species you are dealing with based on their appearance, habitat, and behavior.

As a general rule, we distinguish roaches into two different categories; indoor roaches and outdoor(exterior) roaches.

Outdoor Roaches

As a general rule, outdoor roaches primarily nest outside, and interior roaches, inside. The methods and tactics are pretty distinguished for these two groups. Exterior roaches are primarily controlled through regular pest control services on the exterior of the home and because of the abundance of roaches in our area, requires us to keep a constant barrier of protection around your home. Here are the exterior roaches we deal with.

  • American Roaches
  • Oriental Roaches
  • Turkistani Roaches

Indoor Roaches

As you would guess, interior roaches, primarily live and next on the inside. These types of roaches require people to survive. They live off of the crumbs and left overs from people. These types of roaches will also travel with people, hitch hiking to new locations. They easily travel from room to room, and between attached dwellings like apartments and duplexes. These types of roaches can be eliminated with our specialty roach services. These special interior roach control program requires 2 services that are performed 30 days apart for complete control. However, if there are other attached dewellings that are left untreated, or you bring in new roaches, the infestation process will then start over. Here are the interior roaches we deal with.

  • German Cockroaches
  • Brown banded Cockroaches

Check our the photos and details of these roaches so that you have an idea as to what you are up against. If you would like help with these roaches or any other pest issue you might be dealing with, please give us a call!

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